Page 17 - Personal Productivity
P. 17

Case              ∙ David in the Global People Development team found he spent
                                         a large amount of time directing users to various specific
                       Study             training resources throughout the day. Identifying this as

                                         ‘waste’ activity, he took steps to streamline the process. By
                                         default, Outlook shows only the option to create a hyperlink
                                         from the full email window, which didn’t suit his working style.
           ∙ David customized the ribbon to include the option to embed hyperlinks in the quick-
          response window, saving him time from having to open a full window. This streamlined his
          workflow and made his responses to emails more efficient.

       Tailoring your workspace

       Try applying the lean concept to your                     ∙ Not utilising talent – E.g. Not delegating or
       own workspace - lean works on the basis                   leveraging local or third-party expertise
       of preventing Muda (wastefulness), Mura
       (unevenness) and Muri (overburden).                       ∙ Transportation – E.g. Spending time going

       Here are the key concepts:                                 to meetings that could be done via VC

          ∙ Defects – E.g. Mistakes in proofing (get it          ∙ Inventory excess -  E.g. Multiple inefficient
          right first time)                                       workstreams

          ∙ Overproduction – E.g. Putting too much               ∙ Motion waste – E.g. Any unnecessary
          effort in low-impact tasks                              physical activity

          ∙ Waiting – E.g. Relying on third parties              ∙ Excess processing – E.g. Superfluous
                                                                 processes and duplication (has the work
                                                                 been done by others?)

                             Top tip

              Don’t waste time responding to
              emails – like them to indicate
              receipt and confirmation.
              @mention colleagues
              anywhere in the Office 365
              ecosystem to pull that person
              into the conversation.

                      KEEP                 MAXIMISE                REMAIN             BECOME MORE
                  ORGANISED               YOUR TIME               FOCUSED                EFFICIENT
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